Portia Faces Life

I ❤️ social media… It helps to get a message out to those that otherwise may not get it! In spite of its many flaws, Social Media provides a way for others to not feel alone in what they are thinking and feeling.The thing I love the most about Social media is it allows me a way to raise awareness that we still have a long way to go in addressing the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older adults. 


Recently I was informed someone feels the Silver Pride Project organization is without substance…that we accomplish nothing by offering safe spaces to meet and the facilitation of conversation between elders in the community! I call BULLSHIT!!!

My actions speak louder than your words.

  “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr

You cannot (or at least you should not) sit on your ass and moan about the fact that there is nothing to do in the city if you are older and a member of the LGBT community. THIS is the perfect time to help implement changes…the perfect time to speak up and/or help those that are not as fortunate as some of the rest of the community.

As Executive Director of Silver Pride Project I am working hard to decrease some of the issues that plague seniors in our community, including social isolation. I saw a need and worked with the City of Dallas to fulfill that need. Silver Pride Project offers three hours of activities FOUR days a week where you have the option to mix and mingle with others in our rainbow community in various locations in a SAFE SPACE. Some may not like the set up…they may think that people sitting around talking about their aches and pains or what happened in their lives the previous day serves no purpose, but I disagree! To some, that time they spend during our Coffee&Convo Meetups provides the only source of human contact they may have. It gives them the chance to have someone actually listen to their thoughts and their needs, instead of sitting at home watching the television. It provides an opportunity to be listened to and to realize there are others undergoing some of the same things they are going through. It provides the opportunity to feel as though they remain a part of a community and not just someone that is existing until they die. It saddens me that so many people cannot see beyond their own existence and get more out of bitching about the efforts of someone else instead of reaching out in order to see how they can help bring about change that is so desperately needed. It saddens and angers me that too many in our community do not realize that when people are invisible, so are the issues that affect them. 

The seniors in our Rainbow community are at the heart of what we do. The desire to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ seniors led to working with the city of Dallas in order to create RAINBOW REC at Reverchon Recreation Center, which promotes inclusion and socialization, a place to share stories, connect with others, have a meal or two provided, and even go on fun excursions. Not everyone has the extra income to spend on entertainment, and not everyone has the type of income that allows them to join a fitness gym where they can work out in order to remain healthy… Rainbow Rec provides outlets for our minds as well as our bodies. Anytime you can take advantage of something that enhances your life FREE OF CHARGE, to me that is a win. WE have earned these opportunities, and it also allows those on fixed income to apply money they have saved towards other areas, such as Doctor’s visits and medication copays, buying pet food, emergency vet bills and a plethora of other things that so many others take for granted. 

 In addition, as Director of Silver Pride Project I am constantly highlighting the unique needs of the seniors in our community. Most of the politicians in our city have so many issues they have to deal with regarding the various constituents they serve, that it is easy for them to overlook the most marginalized of an already marginalized segment of the community…Seniors…especially LGBT SENIORS. So, every time that I post, every time I show up at their offices and Town Halls and assorted meetings, it serves as a reminder that we exist. It serves as a reminder that we must continue to work to ensure that LGBT seniors will receive sensitive, respectful, and effective treatment and care wherever they go. Challenging the status quo means making enemies, and all to often it makes you target for others that for whatever reason feel that you should be a good little person , sit down and STFU. Sorry but not sorry…I just can’t do it!

I know I am going to lose followers with this blog entry, but I seriously don’t care anymore. It’s heartbreaking to see that there are those that prefer to sit and bitch and bellyache about what is being done that may not be enough, instead of asking “WHAT CAN I DO?” or “HOW CAN I HELP?”!

I am going to keep on speaking out and educating others about the challenges that LGBT Seniors face. 

Rant over…Portia OUT!