To the younger LGBTQ generation

Dear #LGBTQ younger generation;

As you’re out celebrating #Pride this Month, when you see the “elders” out, the older trans & Trans POC, older gays, older lesbians, that you would normally ignore, go up to them, introduce yourself, buy them a drink, thank them, listen to a story.

They paved the way for you to walk around in your short shorts and crop tops, proudly!

Sometimes I feel like the only senior at so many LGBTQ+ events. And the young people are sweet, but the ageism is so crushing. I feel invisible.

I realize it shouldn't be your responsibility to provide solutions for this, but I'd love for you to ask yourself: what can we as the younger queers do to better include/accommodate/honor you and elder queer generations at events?Please don't be too quick to write us off… Also, we might not handle the loud music and sensory overload that seems to be part of any socialization these days, queer or straight. We might not hear what you say.

Anyhow, realizing that older LGBTQ+ folks experienced and processed the trauma of homophobia/transphobia differently. We weren't into gender non-conforming as  much - too dangerous. We're still a little shaky on the new terminology.

But be patient, spend a little time with us, maybe in a quiet corner. - Oh, and have some older people involved in the planning of events. Should have said that sooner. Get our input. - Applies to all minorities, of course. Our lived experience may not be yours, but...We really are all in this together. And we need your affection! The social isolation in the senior LGBTQ+ community is horrible, now more than ever, with so many of us immunocompromised. So please be proactive, reach out and include us. Thanks for listening!

Much LOVE to you, from an OG Dyke

Portia Cantrell